Custom Built Website

Posted by on Mar 30, 2019 in Feature Artwork, Inspiration and Development

Custom Built Website
Image of custom built chiropractic clinic responsive website on a phone for feature slide show image

For the web design and layout class we were to create and custom build a website using HTML5, CSS3 and Adobe Dreamweaver. For my project I picked Thompson Family Chiropractic since I know the owner and even thou they had a website I discovered it was a very basic site. I utilized my accumulated prior knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3 from my time in the Web Programming and Development program as well as discovering some knew things I had not previously been exposed to within this class.

I started learning how to use Dreamweaver which is not a program I’d used before since all my previous website building experience had been using just a text editor program usually Notepad ++. I often was guilty of not utilizing Dreamweaver features to their maximum ability since I tended to fall back into using it as a text editor. Upon finishing this site I’d gotten better at learning and discovering the added features of using DreamWeaver.

During this project I utilized media queries to make this site responsive and mobile-friendly. I also started to dabble with flexbox which when utilized makes the use of media query items to be less then in the past without using it. This was a new programming concept and ability I had not explored before because during my other program it was in the textbooks but not widely excepted with the different browsers. It is more supported with the browsers now and very beneficial to coding sites. I look forward to learning more about it as I continue to use it and learn more about it.

Thompson Family Chiropractic Clinic website homepage shown on a computer, tablet, and phone to the responsiveness of the site.
Thompson Family Chiropractic presented on the different devices

I look forward to building many more websites while becoming more proficient with each utilizing more and more of the skills and technology I have to accomplish the task.