Graphic Communications Expanded My Horizons

Posted by on Feb 23, 2019 in Inspiration and Development

Graphic Communications Expanded My Horizons
Sunrise on horizon over an ocean or large body of water
My Horizon

I began my journey to pursue web design in the Web Programming and Development program at Hawkeye Community College. I enjoy the left brain activity of logic and numbers with math, but I have also always loved being creative and creating things using the right side of the brain as well. Because of this upon completion of the program I discovered Hawkeye also had a Graphic Communications program that could help me with the creative front-end aspect of Web Design. So I enrolled into graphic communications to attain more of the front end design skills I would need to become the effective and talented web designer I strive to become.

Now here is where I explain how graphic communications expanded my horizons because as my little backstory explained I came into the program for the needed web design skills I hoped to add to my skill set. But the first year of the graphic communications program is geared more for learning the different Adobe softwares and the print aspect of graphic designs. Through this first year process I discovered I enjoyed and liked doing the print side of graphic design and that I might possible expand what I wanted to do from just web designer to mostly web designer with a little bit of graphic designer projects thrown in the mix.

My Expanded Horizon

So my journey through the Graphic Communications program has expanded my horizons from just a web designer concept to a web designer with a repertory of graphic design skills to utilize and include within future projects and pursuits.