My Design Process Unfolded Within a T-shirt Design

Posted by on Feb 21, 2019 in Inspiration and Development

My Design Process Unfolded Within a T-shirt Design
Winnie the pooh graphic designed t-shirt with Kenga giving Piglet a bath
T-shirt Designed for Winnie the Pooh Production on a t-shirt

The process began when someone from the Black Hawk Children’s Theatre came to present their requirements and direction for a t-shirt design for their production of Winnie the Pooh for the crew. Based on their presentation and answers to our questions we were then to write up a design brief for the project to move forward with the designing. One of the things they mentioned was that there would be three storylines in the production: One was of Kanga giving piglet a bath, Roo eating too much candy, and everyone in the forest being afraid of kangas when Kanga and Roo arrive in the forest.

After writing up the design brief we drew up 12 thumbnail concepts from the provided information. One point of information being that the illustrations were to be from the old Winnie the Pooh book and not Disney due to copyright issues.

Image of four thumbnails that all focus around Pooh being the focal point of design
Concepts based on Pooh being the focus point
Four thumbnails of the iconic relationship between Winnie the Pooh and Piglet
Thumbnail concepts based on the iconic images of Pooh and Piglet
Four thumbnails based off the story lines of the production with Kanga giving Piglet a bath, Roo eating too much candy, and everyone being afraid of kangas.
Thumbnail concepts based off the story lines of the production

The next step of the process was to narrow the concepts down to a couple and make some roughs to detail them a little further. I choose the concept of Kanga giving piglet a bath and Roo eating too much candy to explore further with the rough’s process.

Rough more detailed design of Roo eating too much candy including production details
Rough of Roo eating too much Candy

I chose to go with Kanga giving Piglet a bath for my design. I then took my drawn up rough of this and used that as a template for my illustration in Adobe Illustrator to complete the design to submit it to the client for consideration.

Final design of Kanga giving Piglet a bath created in Adobe Illustrator
Final design for this project
My final design after refinement for portfolio