Color Encoded Unraveled

Brochure Design

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Brochure Design

Brochure created to show my illustrations used within a design for a made up gallery event.

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Outdoor Advertising

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Outdoor Advertising

Billboard design campaign options for Life 101.9 radio station in Waterloo, Iowa

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Logo Style Guide

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Your browser does not seem to support iframes. Click here to read this PDF. Printable and Downloadable PDF of Style...

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Custom Built Website

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Custom Built Website

Responsive and mobile-friendly website built with Adobe Dreamweaver

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Graphic Communications Expanded My Horizons

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Graphic Communications Expanded My Horizons

My Horizon I began my journey to pursue web design in the Web Programming and Development program at Hawkeye Community College. I enjoy the left brain activity of logic and numbers with math, but I have also always loved being creative and creating things using the right side of the brain as well. Because of this upon completion of the program I discovered Hawkeye also had a Graphic Communications program that could help me with the creative front-end aspect of Web Design. So I enrolled into graphic communications to attain more of the front...

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Web Design: The Areas That Intrigue My Psyche

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Web Design: The Areas That Intrigue My Psyche

Since I began learning web design with the coding and the requirements of making a working website I have been intrigued with the many working components that make the successful website. SEO Importance One of the most important components is SEO, search engine optimization, of course because why create a website and the expense of having one if the site isn’t being found by users in the search engines. Many of the other things with web design that intrigue me play into the ranking of the website like if a site is responsive and...

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My Logo’s Evolvement From Ideation to Completion

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My Logo’s Evolvement From Ideation to Completion

I started my logo ideation with the chosen name for my brand of Color Encoded. I began with sketching up thumbnails for the 3 kinds of logos (pictorial/symbol, wordmark, and emblem). Here is just a few of my thumbnails. Upon completion of the thumbnail sketching and conceptualizing stage. I arrived at the peacock similar to the last thumbnail shown. But was drawn to the conclusion that the tail was too long for a viable logo. The tail needed to be shortened and tightened up a bit which brought me to the sketched working logo below: With a...

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My Design Process Unfolded Within a T-shirt Design

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My Design Process Unfolded Within a T-shirt Design

T-shirt design created using Adobe Illustrator.

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