Welcome to Color Encoded

Welcome to Color Encoded
Color Encoded combination logo

Color Encoded is the self-branding done to showcase Michele Peti’s past, current and potential future projects, skill set, and potential.

When I started to take on the project of creating a self brand for myself, I began by making a list of my attributes that I would want to showcase. My list consist of detail (detail-oriented), inquisitive, problem-solving, resourceful, unique, distinguishing, accomplished, revolutionary, surpassing, validation, focused, driven, insightful, proficient, engaged, renowned (someday), adept, versed, dynamic, secure, and trustworthy. I know quite the list right but the excellent one to have and continually strive for.

Then came the task of coming up with my brand name with some restrictions implemented as part of the assignment to insure arriving at the most creative and unique name for one self. After many domain name choices and options not going to lie approximately 100 domain names before Color Encoded was decided upon.

Then after much brainstorming and sketching, I arrived at the best possible logo for both myself and my brand Color Encoded. The beautifully constructed peacock using the C in Color Encoded that can be used both in a combination pictorial and wordmark logo and separate as a stand alone pictorial symbol logo with the hope as I emerge further in the industry that it would be one that people would eventually recognize for myself and Color Encoded even without the wordmark or the rest of the name.

Color Encoded pictorial logo

Why the Peacock?

It’s many different colors and radiant feathers signifies integrity, truth, honor, and making sure to love one’s self. So not only is the peacock a symbol of beauty but also strength and courage no matter what the external circumstances. It is also important to know that though confident they are not arrogant. So the peacock is also a symbol of happiness, laughter, and having a kind heart.

A peacock symbolizes beauty, freedom, nobility, integrity, vision, refinement, protection, self-expression, and watchfulness.

Because of all these things the peacock is a perfect fit for a representation in a logo for myself and Color Encoded for both the colors and what I’d like my brand to represent and be known for.