Meet the Designer

Self portrait of web and graphic designer Michele Peti who's brand is Color Encoded

I resemble this illustration

The above image is an illustration of myself that was done in
Principles of illustration classes which was created with Adobe Illustrator. It was using a style similar to Margot Jenner in her created portraits. I am using it as my image because I don’t like my picture taken and avoid it whenever possible.

Image of illustration that inspired my own illustration of myself done by Margot Jenner
Portrait done by Margot Jenner

I am currently a graphic communications student at Hawkeye Community College until I graduate in May. I will then be an emerging graphic designer and web designer into the industry. In addition to the graphic communications program I also have an Associate of Applied Science in Web Programming and Development from Hawkeye Community College.

I enjoy both being creative as well as being logical utilizing both my right and left sides of the brain. I’ve been creating many of my projects using Adobe Illustrator and Indesign with some Photoshop as well. One of my focuses of interest is web design. I have utilized Dreamweaver and WordPress as well as just a text editor to create websites from scratch with just HTML5 and CSS3 within a text editor and using media queries to ensure responsiveness of the sites.

In this field with the continuing trend of changes in technology and this industry, I intend to continue to learn and further my knowledge while working in the industry and getting hands-on training and education along the way. Lifetime learner here.

In my spare time away from design activities I like to take a break with the best stress relieving hobby I’ve discovered which is diamond painting. It extends my creativity enjoyment giving me a beautiful piece to display or give to someone else to display.

Images to show the diamond painting process
Finished diamond painting.

I also have found participating in a book club is a great extension to my hobby of book reading while expanding my horizon by getting me to read books I wouldn’t have read on my own but have enjoyed a great deal.

I find creativity brings enjoyment and joy into life. I’ve given my children the advise to find out how to make a living doing something they love and they will never have to work a day in their life. Graphic and web design allows me to follow this advice for myself since it is something I love and is most definitely not work.

Hope you’ve gotten a glimpse of this designer and you peruse the rest of my site to get a bigger glimpse of my design experience.
